We continue to act responsibly!
In light of the growing societal awareness of sustainability issues, we at STULZ are increasingly placing sustainability at the center of our global business activities. This allows us to address the rising customer inquiries and regulatory requirements, particularly regarding the upcoming CSRD reporting obligation, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), EU taxonomy, and more.

Today, we are pleased to announce that, following our national report last year, we have completed and published our first global sustainability report. It is available for download on all our platforms and is intended for external distribution to interested parties (customers, suppliers, partners, etc.).
The report was developed in close cooperation with an external consultancy and with the involvement of our international divisions within the global STULZ organization. The scope covers the global STULZ organization, including all international production sites, international branches with service, and S-Klima. The application of the "GRI Standards" ensures comparability of the content across industries and time periods, allowing for a consistent presentation of sustainability activities. Our focus is on transparency and credibility, which has made the report not only informative but also trustworthy for all stakeholders.
Questions and suggestions on the subject of sustainability or the report can be sent directly to the sustainability team at the e-mail address sustainability(at)stulz(dot)de. We at STULZ GmbH are committed to open dialog and reaffirm our commitment to sustainable corporate management.

STULZ Sustainability Report 2023

STULZ Sustainability Report 2022