Corporate Vision

STULZ is the world's leading solution provider of energy-efficient temperature and humidity management technology, specifically for mission-critical applications.
In the private and commercial sector, we rely on a range of systems that must not be allowed to break down, as their failure could result in severe individual and collective losses. For over 40 years now, we have been developing and manufacturing products for the air conditioning of data centers and other sensitive areas. These are what we refer to as mission-critical applications. We aspire to always offer the most energy efficient products possible, with exceptional technical solutions and top-class quality. What's more, we are working to increase operational reliability and contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions.
STULZ products efficiently cool data centers, telecommunications systems and production processes, they air condition magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) systems, switch gear cabinets and offices.
Data centers
IT and telecommunications are of vital importance to the economy, science and administration in general. Even the briefest of downtimes in ICT systems can result in a collective inability to act, and the loss of sensitive data. An optimum climate is a prerequisite for reliable operation and high availability. At the same time, the technical infrastructure is improving all the time, computers and smartphones are versatile all-rounders and shape our everyday private and working lives. Our communication patterns and multimedia services are changing from day to day, making ever greater demands on data centers. But greater capacity and faster servers necessarily lead to higher energy consumption for cooling the racks. In order to survive in this dynamic environment, we invest a great deal of time and expenditure in innovation research and development work for our solutions. Modern air conditioning systems from STULZ ensure that data centers and cell phone base stations continue to perform reliably – 24/7, 365 days a year.
Telecoms climate
Make phone calls when you like, from any place on Earth – today, wireless cell phone networks are available all over the world. Their transmitting and receiving stations are erected on roofs, towers and masts. Squeezed into containers, shelters and switch gear cabinets, transmission equipment converts almost all electrical energy into heat. If it gets too hot, the sensitive technology can suffer malfunctions or even failure – and the network collapses. STULZ air conditioning systems from the Telecom line keep the operating temperature of sensitive transmission equipment at a stable level. Compact and sturdy in design, cost effective in operation, they keep receiving and transmitting stations cool whatever the weather. It’s good to know: STULZ air conditioning systems keep cell phone networks up and running around the world.
Efficient cooling for magnetic resonance tomography systems
In specialist clinics and hospitals, data centers and IT rooms are air conditioned precisely to the degree by STULZ air conditioning systems. It stands to reason that these air conditioning systems are also employed in other mission-critical areas, such as for air conditioning magnetic resonance tomography systems, for example. High running costs are detrimental to cost-optimized operation. In the medical field in particular, with its extensive diagnosis and constant cost pressure, every saving is welcome. And even more so if these savings have no adverse effect whatsoever on diagnosis and treatment. We have developed a special Indoor Data Chiller specifically for this purpose. It features Indirect Free Cooling for efficient operation, takes up only a small footprint and guarantees unlimited availability. In addition to the above, the chiller's especially quiet running is another important factor. Our units have an extremely low noise level, which sometimes does not exceed that of a normal residence. This has practical advantages, such as little need for sound insulation measures in clinics and hospitals.
Cooling for industry
Heavy industrial machines obtain their driving power from electric motors and their instructions from electronic components. They cut metal, press components and perform other heavy-duty work in industrial production, in a tough, never-ending routine. If the machine gets too hot, all parts wind down and production grinds to a halt. STULZ S. p. A. has been offering a broad range of products for industrial cooling since 1989. Our sturdy industrial liquid coolers and cooling systems for switch gear cabinets and equipment rooms provide safe, reliable cooling even when the surrounding air is permeated by explosive substances such as dust, chips and oil mist.
Reliable and stable under heavy load – all over the world, engineers rely on industrial cooling from STULZ.